PubMedSearch MCP Server

PubMedSearch MCP Server

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created by
PubMedSearch MCP Servergradusnikov14 hours ago
A Model Content Protocol server that provides tools to search and retrieve academic papers from PubMed database.
PubMedSearch MCP Server

PubMedSearch MCP Server

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A Model Content Protocol server that provides tools to search and retrieve academic papers from PubMed database.


  • Search PubMed by keywords in title/abstract or author names
  • Retrieve detailed information including title, authors, journal, abstract, DOI and more

Installing via Smithery

To install pubmed-search-mcp-server for Claude Desktop automatically via Smithery:

npx -y @smithery/cli install @gradusnikov/pubmed-search-mcp-server --client claude

Installing Manually

  1. Clone this repository:

    git clone <repository-url>
    cd pubmed-search-mcp-server
  2. Install dependencies:

    pip install fastmcp requests python-dotenv
  3. Create a .env file in the project root (if needed for configuration)


  1. Start the server in development mode:

    mcp dev
  2. or add the server to Claude Desktop app CLAUDE_DIRECTORY/claude_desktop_config.json. For example if you are using Windows Subsystem for Linux (WSL) it may look like this:

    "pubmed-search": {
                "command": "wsl.exe",
                "args": [
                    "source /home/[user]/anaconda3/etc/profile.d/ && conda activate mcp && mcp run /home/[user]/pubmed-search-mpc-server/"