

Visit Server
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kospi-kosdaq-stock-serverdragon108617 days ago
An MCP server that provides KOSPI/KOSDAQ stock data using FastMCP

what is KOSPI/KOSDAQ Stock Server?

KOSPI/KOSDAQ Stock Server is an MCP server that provides real-time stock data for KOSPI and KOSDAQ using FastMCP.

how to use KOSPI/KOSDAQ Stock Server?

To use the server, install it via Smithery or manually, configure it in your claude_desktop_config.json, and then interact with it through commands in Claude.

key features of KOSPI/KOSDAQ Stock Server?

  • Lookup KOSPI/KOSDAQ ticker symbols and names
  • Retrieve OHLCV (Open/High/Low/Close/Volume) data for specific stocks
  • Access market capitalization and fundamental data (PER/PBR/Dividend Yield)
  • Get trading volume by investor type for specific stocks

use cases of KOSPI/KOSDAQ Stock Server?

  1. Analyzing stock performance over time
  2. Researching investment opportunities in KOSPI/KOSDAQ stocks
  3. Monitoring market trends and investor behavior

FAQ from KOSPI/KOSDAQ Stock Server?

  • What data can I retrieve?

You can retrieve OHLCV data, market capitalization, fundamental data, and trading volume by investor type.

  • Is there a limit to the number of tickers I can load?

No, you can load all available KOSPI and KOSDAQ tickers at once.

  • How do I install the server?

You can install it via Smithery or manually by creating a virtual environment and using pip.