Coinmarket MCP server

Created at 2 months ago

by anjor






Coinmarket MCP server

what is Coinmarket MCP Server?

Coinmarket MCP Server is a server implementation that interfaces with the Coinmarket API, facilitating the retrieval of cryptocurrency data and notes.

how to use Coinmarket MCP Server?

To use Coinmarket MCP Server, set up the server with your Coinmarket API key, and utilize the provided endpoints to fetch currency listings and quotes. Configuration is required for different operating systems.

key features of Coinmarket MCP Server?

  • Implements Coinmarket API endpoints for currency listings and quotes.
  • Custom URI scheme for accessing individual notes.
  • Provides tools for fetching up-to-date cryptocurrency data.

use cases of Coinmarket MCP Server?

  1. Retrieving the latest cryptocurrency currency listings for applications.
  2. Obtaining real-time quotes for specific cryptocurrencies using their symbols.
  3. Integrating cryptocurrency data into financial applications or dashboards.

FAQ from Coinmarket MCP Server?

  • What do I need to set up the server?

You need a valid Coinmarket API key and proper configuration for your operating system.

  • Can I access individual notes via the server?

Yes, the server utilizes a custom coinmarket:// URI scheme for accessing individual notes related to cryptocurrencies.

  • Is the Coinmarket MCP Server free?

The availability of the server is dependent on Coinmarket's API terms and access levels.

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