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Win-10-MCP-Server---Simple-persistant-loggingtrevorwilkersona month ago

What is Win-10-MCP-Server - Simple Persistent Logging?

Win-10-MCP-Server - Simple Persistent Logging is a project designed to enhance the logging capabilities of MCP Servers by creating persistent logs on the hard drive, addressing issues with incomplete file writes.

How to use Win-10-MCP-Server?

To use this project, modify the index.js file in the specified directory to implement the logging functionality and ensure that the logger.mjs file is created in the project root to handle log file management.

Key features of Win-10-MCP-Server?

  • Automatic backup creation of files before writing new content.
  • Persistent logging of file operations with timestamps.
  • Error handling and logging for file access issues.

Use cases of Win-10-MCP-Server?

  1. Ensuring data integrity by backing up files before modifications.
  2. Monitoring file operations for debugging and auditing purposes.
  3. Providing a reliable logging mechanism for MCP Server operations.

FAQ from Win-10-MCP-Server?

  • Can this project handle all file types?

Yes, it can manage any file type as long as the path is validated.

  • Is there a limit to the number of backups created?

No, backups are created each time a file is modified, but you may want to implement a cleanup mechanism for old backups.

  • How does the logging mechanism work?

The logging mechanism appends log entries to a specified log file, capturing the operation details and any errors encountered.