Jira MCP Tool for Cursor

Jira MCP Tool for Cursor

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Jira MCP Tool for Cursornavneet-ag5 days ago

Jira MCP Tool for Cursor

A Model Context Protocol (MCP) tool that allows Cursor AI to read Jira issue descriptions and comments directly within your coding environment.

Setup in Cursor

  1. Create .env file

    • Create a new file named .env in the root folder of this repo.
    • Copy the contents from .env.example into the .env
    • Enter your jira username and password for using the basic authentication flow
    • Try with first as the jira URL, if that doesn't work then use
  2. Install the dependencies and build the package:

    npm install
    npm run build
  3. Configure your Jira credentials in the .env file: Make a copy of .env.example as .env and add all your credentials in that file

  4. Register the tool in Cursor:

    • Open Cursor
    • Go to Settings > MCP Tools
    • Click "Add Tool"
    • Enter the command: node /<clone_repo_parennt>/cursor-jira-mcp/build/index.js
    • Click "Add"

Using with Cursor AI

Once configured, you can ask Cursor AI to retrieve Jira information using natural language:

  • "Show me the description for PROJ-123"
  • "What are the comments on JIRA-456?"
  • "Get details about the bug in TEAM-789"

Available Commands

Cursor AI can use these commands through the MCP tool:

  1. Read Issue Description: Retrieves the full description of a Jira issue
  2. Read Issue Comments: Retrieves all comments on a Jira issue

Example Interactions

Asking about a Jira issue:

You: Can you tell me about PROJ-123?
Cursor AI: Let me check that Jira issue for you...
[Cursor AI retrieves and displays the issue description]

Asking about comments:

You: What feedback did the team leave on TEAM-456?
Cursor AI: Let me get the comments from that Jira issue...
[Cursor AI retrieves and displays the issue comments]


If the tool isn't working properly in Cursor:

  1. Verify your credentials are correctly set in your .env folder
  2. Try running npm run start to check if JIRA authentication is successful.