- Arbitrum MCP (Model Context Protocol) Tools
Arbitrum MCP (Model Context Protocol) Tools
This project provides a set of tools for interacting with the Arbitrum blockchain via MCP, organized by categories according to the feature matrix.
Project Structure
The codebase is organized into modular components for better maintainability:
├── index.ts # Main entry point
├── tools/ # All tools organized by category
│ ├── common.ts # Shared utilities and configs
│ ├── index.ts # Tool registration
│ ├── accountAnalysis/ # Account analysis tools
│ ├── chainData/ # Chain data tools
│ ├── contractInteraction/# Contract interaction tools
│ ├── crossChain/ # Cross-chain tools
│ ├── development/ # Development tools
│ ├── batchOperations/ # Batch operation tools
│ └── stylus/ # Stylus development tools
Feature Matrix
The tools are categorized according to the following feature matrix:
- Get native token balancegetTokenBalances
- Get ERC-20 token balancesgetNfts
- Get NFTs owned by an addressgetTransactionHistory
- Get transaction historygetNftMetadata
- Get metadata for a specific NFT
- Get latest block numbergetBlock
- Get block detailsgetTransaction
- Get transaction detailsgetTransactionReceipt
- Get transaction receiptgetGasParameters
- Get detailed gas price metrics
- Get contract bytecodedecodeCalldata
- Decode transaction input datagetContractEvents
- Query contract eventsgetTokenAllowance
- Check ERC-20 token allowances
- Check L1->L2 message status
- Simulate transactionsestimateGas
- Estimate gas usagegetGasPrice
- Get current gas price
- Get balances for multiple addresses
- Create a new Stylus projectinitStylusProject
- Initialize a Stylus projectexportStylusAbi
- Export a Solidity ABIcheckStylusContract
- Check a contract for validitydeployStylusContract
- Deploy a contractverifyStylusContract
- Verify a deployed contractactivateStylusContract
- Activate a deployed contractcacheStylusContract
- Cache a contractgenerateStylusBindings
- Generate C code bindingsreplayStylusTransaction
- Replay a transaction in GDBtraceStylusTransaction
- Trace a transactioncallStylusContract
- Call a method on a deployed Stylus contract
Getting Started
Install dependencies:
npm install
Run the server:
npm start
To add new tools, create them in the appropriate category folder and register them in the category's index.ts file.
Tool Details
Account and Token Information
1. Get Native Token Balance
Retrieves the native ETH balance for an Arbitrum address.
Example Response for 0xF977814e90dA44bFA03b6295A0616a897441aceC:
Balance: 264234.14 ETH
2. Get Token Balances
Retrieves all token balances (ERC20) for an Arbitrum address.
Address: 0xYourAddress
Token balances for 0xYourAddress:
USDC (USDC): 1000.00
Arbitrum (ARB): 500.00
3. Get NFTs
Retrieves all NFTs owned by an Arbitrum address.
Example Response:
NFTs owned by 0xYourAddress:
Collection: The Nebula
Token ID: 15
Type: ERC721
Collection: KyberDAO KIP Badge
Token ID: 34081
Type: ERC1155
4. Get Transaction History
Retrieves transaction history for an Arbitrum address.
Transaction history for 0xYourAddress:
From: 0xYourAddress
To: 0xDestinationAddress
Value: 1.5 ETH
Hash: 0xTransactionHash
5. Get NFT Metadata
Retrieves metadata for a specific NFT.
NFT Metadata:
"contract": {
"address": "0xContractAddress"
"tokenId": "123",
"name": "CryptoPunk #123",
"description": "A unique digital collectible",
"image": "https://ipfs.io/ipfs/QmHash",
"attributes": [...]
Block and Transaction Information
6. Get Latest Block Number
Retrieves the current block number on Arbitrum.
Example Response:
Latest block number: 308831599
7. Get Block Details
Retrieves detailed information about a specific block.
Block data for block 308831599:
Timestamp: 2023-10-15T14:23:45Z
Number of transactions: 150
Hash: 0xBlockHash
Gas used: 15000000
8. Get Transaction Details
Retrieves detailed information about a specific transaction.
Transaction data:
From: 0xSenderAddress
To: 0xRecipientAddress
Value: 1.5 ETH
Gas used: 21000
Status: Confirmed
9. Get Transaction Receipt
Retrieves the receipt for a completed transaction.
Transaction receipt:
Status: Success
Block number: 308831599
Gas used: 21000
Logs: [...]
Gas and Network
10. Get Gas Price
Retrieves the current gas price on Arbitrum.
Current gas price: 0.1 Gwei
11. Get Detailed Gas Parameters
Retrieves detailed gas price metrics for Arbitrum.
Gas parameters:
Base fee: 0.05 Gwei
Max priority fee: 0.2 Gwei
Max fee: 0.25 Gwei
12. Estimate Gas
Estimates gas usage for a transaction.
Estimated gas: 21000 units
Contract Interaction
13. Get Contract Code
Retrieves the bytecode of a deployed contract.
Contract bytecode: 0x608060405234801561001057600080fd5b50...
14. Get Token Allowance
Checks ERC20 token allowance for an owner and spender.
Token allowance: 1000 USDC
15. Decode Transaction Input Data
Decodes transaction input data using contract ABIs.
Decoded input:
Function: transfer(address,uint256)
- to: 0xRecipientAddress
- amount: 1000000000000000000 (1.0 tokens)
16. Query Contract Events
Retrieves events emitted by a contract.
Events from 0xContractAddress:
Event: Transfer
From: 0xSenderAddress
To: 0xRecipientAddress
Value: 1.0 tokens
Block: 308831599
Cross-Chain Operations
17. Check L1->L2 Message Status
Checks the status of a message sent from Ethereum L1 to Arbitrum L2.
Message status: Confirmed
Initiated at: Block 17500000 (L1)
Confirmed at: Block 308831599 (L2)
Batch Operations
18. Get Batch Balances
Retrieves balances for multiple addresses in a single call.
0xAddress1: 1.5 ETH
0xAddress2: 0.75 ETH
0xAddress3: 2.25 ETH
19. Simulate Transaction
Simulates the execution of a transaction.
Simulation result:
Status: Success
Gas used: 21000
Return value: 0x
Stylus Development
20. Create Stylus Project
Creates a new Cargo Stylus project.
Project created successfully:
Created binary (application) `my-stylus-project` package
Generated Counter contract template
21. Initialize Stylus Project
Initializes a Stylus project in the current directory.
Project initialized successfully:
Initialized package in current directory
Generated Counter contract template
22. Export Stylus ABI
Exports a Solidity ABI for a Stylus contract.
ABI exported successfully:
* This file was automatically generated by Stylus and represents a Rust program.
* For more information, please see [The Stylus SDK](https://github.com/OffchainLabs/stylus-sdk-rs).
// SPDX-License-Identifier: MIT-OR-APACHE-2.0
pragma solidity ^0.8.23;
interface ICounter {
function number() external view returns (uint256);
function setNumber(uint256 new_number) external;
function increment() external;
23. Check Stylus Contract
Checks if a Stylus contract is valid for deployment.
Contract check results:
Finished release [optimized] target(s) in 1.88s
Reading WASM file at target/wasm32-unknown-unknown/release/my-project.wasm
Compressed WASM size: 3 KB
Program succeeded Stylus onchain activation checks with Stylus version: 1
24. Deploy Stylus Contract
Deploys a Stylus contract to the Arbitrum network.
Deployment results:
deployed code at address: 0x33f54de59419570a9442e788f5dd5cf635b3c7ac
deployment tx hash: 0xa55efc05c45efc63647dff5cc37ad328a47ba5555009d92ad4e297bf4864de36
wasm already activated!
25. Verify Stylus Contract Deployment
Verifies the deployment of a Stylus contract.
Verification results:
Contract at 0x33f54de59419570a9442e788f5dd5cf635b3c7ac verified successfully
26. Activate Stylus Contract
Activates an already deployed Stylus contract.
Activation results:
Contract at 0x33f54de59419570a9442e788f5dd5cf635b3c7ac activated successfully
activation tx hash: 0xb66efc05c45efc63647dff5cc37ad328a47ba5555009d92ad4e297bf4864de47
27. Cache Stylus Contract
Caches a contract using the Stylus CacheManager.
Cache results:
Contract 0x33f54de59419570a9442e788f5dd5cf635b3c7ac cached successfully
28. Generate C Code Bindings
Generates C code bindings for a Stylus contract.
C bindings generation results:
Generated C bindings at ./bindings/counter.h
Generated C bindings at ./bindings/counter.c
29. Replay Stylus Transaction
Replays a Stylus transaction in GDB debugger.
Transaction replay results:
Starting GDB session...
Loaded program state at transaction 0xTransactionHash
30. Trace Stylus Transaction
Traces a Stylus transaction.
Transaction trace results:
Function: increment()
Gas used: 97334
31. Call Stylus Contract
Calls a method on a deployed Stylus smart contract using Foundry's Cast tool.
// Read-only call to get counter value
Contract call results:
// Example with method signature, endpoint and contract address
contractAddress: "0x33f54de59419570a9442e788f5dd5cf635b3c7ac",
methodSignature: "number()(uint256)",
endpoint: "http://localhost:8547"
// Example with private key for authenticated calls
contractAddress: "0x33f54de59419570a9442e788f5dd5cf635b3c7ac",
methodSignature: "increment()",
endpoint: "http://localhost:8547",
privateKey: "0xb6b15c8cb491557369f3c7d2c287b053eb229daa9c22138887752191c9520659"